Concrete Overlays

Concrete Overlays

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Learn About Concrete Overlays

Although concrete overlays have been around for years, many of today’s overlay coatings combine polymer resins with cement, sand, and other additives to enhance performance, wear resistance, and aesthetic properties. These coatings adhere strongly to existing concrete and withstand damage from salt, chemicals, UV exposure, freeze and thaw conditions, and various abrasions.

Popular Resources

Concrete Overlay Pictures

Here you can browse pictures of various concrete overlay system designs and the multiple places they can be used.

Concrete Overlay Patterns

Check out the myriad of patterns that can be applied to these concrete coatings including saw cuts and stamping.

Concrete Overlay Colors

The color choices for overlays are endless. They can be stained or have pigments added during mixing to create custom colors.

As these concrete coatings are quite durable and resistant, they can last for years. An overlay is perfect to restore an uneven or slightly damaged concrete surface to a more youthful state.

Check out some of our design ideas, tips, and examples!

Concrete Overlay Stamps | Concrete Overlay Installation |

Concrete Overlay Cost

Thinking About A Concrete Overlay?

Is A Concrete Overlay Right For Me?

Choosing a new flooring system is a big step in any remodeling project. You should take all the factors of a new floor into consideration before making a final decision. Below, we’ve compiled the various advantages and disadvantages of concrete overlays to help you determine if this is the right flooring solution for you.

Concrete Overlay Pros

Concrete Overlay Cons

Compare all the pros and cons of this flooring solution to determine if it’s the right coating for you. Read on to learn more about concrete overlay designs, installation, maintenance, and more!

Concrete Overlay Installation

A decorative concrete overlay is an exceptional solution for restoring and improving old, damaged or stained concrete floors. Overlays can also be applied over other flooring types, such as vinyl, tile, or wood. The application tools and methods for installing overlays will differ, depending on the type of system being used, the scope of the project, and the appearance you are seeking to obtain. The most important step when installing any concrete overlay system is preparing the surface of the concrete base. It needs to be cleaned, any existing coatings removed, and then resurfaced to ensure proper adhesion. The most popular method to resurface concrete for overlays is by shot blasting, though there are others including grinding and sandblasting.

Following the preparation of the slab, the overlay will be mixed. In some instances, the product is not only mixed but combined with color during the mixing process. The type of overlay and the desired look will determine the application method, whether that involves spraying, rolling, troweling or stamping. When using a self-leveling concrete overlay, a squeegee or gage-rake is typically used for the install. When incorporating patterns, saw cuts, score lines, and other beautiful designs can be created using hand-trowels, rakes, and a multitude of other specialized tools. After any patterns have been applied to the overlay it will need to cure for about 24 hours. Once the freshly poured concrete overlay cures, a sealer will most likely be applied for added protection, higher strength, and enhanced stain resistance.

Browse The Various

Overlay Designs And Types

Colored Overlays

Concrete overlays can be colored for a more stunning effect by staining or even mixing colored pigments mixed in during installation for a stunning effect.

Polished Overlay

If your concrete is uneven or has divots in it, but you’re looking for that polished concrete appearance for your space, an overlay can be polished to create the same effect.

Self-Leveling Overlay

These overlays are used to structurally restore worn or damaged concrete by flattening out on their own to form a smooth, level surface.

Stamped Overlays

Stampable overlays are the most popular choice because they can give the concrete the appearance of surfaces like stone, wood, tile, or brick.

Concrete Overlay Maintenance

A high-quality overlay installed by an experienced contractor can produce a new surface that will last for decades when properly maintained. When a sealer is applied, it makes the surface even easier to maintain and offers other advantages as well. Advantages such as enhancing the intensity of the overlay’s color, resisting various stains, and improving its ability to repel water and resist abrasions. Some sealers will also provide the surface a sheen, differing from satin to high gloss depending on the sealant used. Sealing the concrete overlay is the first step in proper maintenance. Keep in mind, these sealers will need to be reapplied every two to three years.

The plus side to this type of concrete coating is that it requires minimal maintenance to help make it last for years. Avoid using harsh chemicals to clean these floors, however, as they can wear down the overlay’s finish. Sweep the floor regularly to keep dirt and grit from building up. Then a simple mopping with warm water is sufficient to keep the surface looking bright and clean. If this overlay is installed outdoors, avoid allowing debris from piling up on the surface for extended amounts of time. Despite how stain resistant this surface is, piled up debris will eventually cause stains to set in.

If your concrete coating does become heavily soiled for one reason or another, a pH-neutral cleaner will be the best solution without damaging your concrete surface. Be sure to use a soft-bristled brush or mildly abrasive scrub pad when cleaning to avoid wearing down the sealer’s finish from repetitive scrubbing. By following these simple steps, your concrete overlay should last for decades.

Check Out Some

Popular Stamping Patterns


One of the more popular designs for an overlay stamp is a traditional, lightly-textured cobblestone pattern.

Running Brick

An elegant European fan pattern, consisting of slightly curved rectangular slate stones, is a great option for outdoor overlays.

Random Stone

Heavily-textured random stones can be stamped to create a unique design that’s also more slip-resistant.


If you love the look of slate, overlays can be stamped with a slate surface in various pattern arrangements.

Frequently Asked

Questions & Answers

Can a decorative overlay be applied to all existing concrete surfaces?

Not always, it depends on the condition of the existing concrete. The underlying foundation for an overlay needs to be reliable. If your concrete is lifting up, has severe cracks, is breaking due to damage from deicing salts and freeze-thaw cycles, or is settled on unstable ground, an overlay will not help with these types of situations. If your concrete is simply tarnished or has minor stains and cracks, then an overlay is a perfect way to cover up these surface flaws and give your concrete a complete makeover. If your concrete is uneven, an overlay can help smooth out this surface as well.

Can an overlay crack or delaminate?

It can if it’s been installed over an unstable surface. They are intended to be applied thinly while still remaining durable and wear-resistant. However, overlays are only as useful as the base they are applied over. They are not intended to repair faulty concrete, rather restore worn concrete. If an overlay is installed directly over a cracked surface, the overlay is prone to crack as well. Delamination is caused by excessive moisture rising up through the underlying surface. Most contractors will test for excessive moisture and employ a type of membrane between the existing surface and overlay if required.

How long does it take to install a concrete overlay?

One of the significant benefits of a decorative concrete overlay is that it can restore existing surfaces promptly with insignificant downtime. These overlays cure quickly and some systems can even withstand foot traffic within a few hours. However, the total time for overlay installation will fluctuate with each project depending on surface preparation requirements, the type of finish applied, and curing conditions. In most cases, an overlay installation from start to finish is about three to four days.

Gallery For Design Ideas

Stamped Concrete Flooring




The possibilities are limitless when it comes to stamping a concrete overlay. Stamps can be used to make the overlay surface mimic various other types of flooring. These stamps can include natural stone surfaces, brick patterns, and several types of wood designs. Not only is this a cheaper solution than applying real stone, brick, or wood, but it also allows you to restore an uneven or mildly damaged concrete surface to a stronger state. The overlay can be colored by mixing in pigments before application or by staining after application to make these stamped patterns appear even more realistic as well.


Stamped concrete overlays normally see more use outdoors than inside a home or business. However, there are several applications that are ideal for these concrete coatings indoors. They have seen use in family rooms, kitchens, and basements using a variety of different stamps. Some popular stamps for use indoors include tile, slate, and wood planks. There are also vertical stamped overlays that can be used to enhance fireplaces or even walls. These lightweight concrete toppings can be applied to a vertical surface without sagging in order to still impart the pattern.


Here is where these concrete coatings see the majority of the action. With patios, pool decks, walkways, driveways, and entryways, these overlays can do it all. These thin toppings are a highly cost-efficient method to restore old, worn concrete to a more structurally sound condition while beautifying the space as well. Some popular stamps for outdoor applications include random stone, European fans, and Herringbone brick patterns. They offer the same durability, resistance, and longevity as standard concrete, without a costly replacement. No matter the climate they’re installed in, they can withstand the harsh weather that these surfaces will face outdoors without wearing down quickly.


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The process of installing an overlay begins with the cleaning, repairing, and resurfacing of the existing concrete. The slab needs to be free of any and all dirt and debris. If minor damage present, it will need to be repaired. Once repairs are done, the concrete can be resurfaced. This is typically done by way of shot blasting. After resurfacing, the application of the overlay can begin. The overlay is mixed, with any colors to be used included, then poured over the expanse of the concrete base. After allowing it to set to the correct consistency, the stamps are applied to the overlay, imprinting it with the desired pattern. Lastly, after the overlay has cured for at least 24 hours, a sealer should be applied.


There are various factors that determine how much stamped installation costs. One of the largest factors is the size of the area. The type of colors and patterns will also affect the price of the project. A stamped concrete patio with one base color will likely cost less than a stamped concrete overlay with multiple colors. The average cost of a stamped concrete overlay, including the resurfacing process, can range between $8 and $20 per square, depending on the size, complexity, and type of stamp used for this project.


Here is where these concrete coatings see the majority of the action. With patios, pool decks, walkways, driveways, and entryways, these overlays can do it all. These thin toppings are a highly cost-efficient method to restore old, worn concrete to a more structurally sound condition while beautifying the space as well. Some popular stamps for outdoor applications include random stone, European fans, and Herringbone brick patterns. They offer the same durability, resistance, and longevity as standard concrete, without a costly replacement. No matter the climate they’re installed in, they can withstand the harsh weather that these surfaces will face outdoors without wearing down quickly.

The Benefits of

Stampable Concrete Overlays

Concrete overlays themselves are extremely affordable concrete flooring solutions. The versatility of this concrete coating is immense as it can be used for various indoor and outdoor applications. The multiple patterns and colors available allow it to replicate other flooring materials almost identically. The thin coating of an overlay does not hinder it from being just as durable, resistant, and long-lasting as standard concrete.

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Stampable concrete overlays have an endless variety of combinations of patterns and colors available to suit any design plan.

Water Resistance

These coatings are naturally repellant to various forms of water and moisture as they create a protective barrier over the porous concrete surface.

Slip Resistance

By stamping the surface of this coating, the overlay gains added texture that provides increased slip resistance.

Easy Maintenance

As the surface is simply stamped and doesn’t actually have grout lines or similar spacing issues, maintenance is significantly simpler.

Long-lasting Protection

When properly maintained, these durable concrete coatings can last for decades.


These concrete toppings are highly adaptable flooring solutions. They can be applied in more places than many other coatings as they’re thinner, even the stampable overlays. If you ever decide to switch up your flooring surface, they can be resurfaced in preparation for a new coating without having to be stripped from the concrete base. No matter where it’s going to be applied, there is a stamp and coloring additive to suit your design needs, indoors or outdoors. This quality makes stamped overlays ideal for virtually any concrete surface.


We’ve discussed the affordability of stampable concrete overlays already, let’s examine this quality further. It’s cheaper and longer-lasting than using tile or other flooring materials over your concrete. However, this concrete covering can save you money in more ways than simply costing less than other coatings. As overlays can be used to restore worn, uneven concrete back to its former glory, you can save a fortune in replacement costs. When compared to ripping out old concrete, disposing of it, and then pouring all new concrete in its place, this flooring solution is much more cost-effective.


This material, despite being applied in a much thinner consistency than many other concrete coatings, is highly durable and resistant to various forms of abrasions. It’s able to withstand high volumes of foot traffic without its topcoat wearing down quickly. When this surface is maintained properly, which is extremely easy, it can last well over 20 years! Therefore, whenever and wherever you have a stampable concrete overlay installed, it should last you the entirety of the time you plan to stay in your home or work in your business space.




Installing a concrete overlay and stamping it with a unique pattern or design requires skillful precision and technique. This is a fast-paced project that demands accuracy while moving quickly before the overlay has time to cure fully. A simple mistake in timing or stamp placement could potentially ruin the results of the installation. When utilizing the services of a professional contractor, this shouldn’t be a concern as they have years of experience doing these sorts of projects.


The installation process for this type of concrete coating warrants the use of specialized tools and equipment to yield high-quality, uniform results. You can avoid the costs of having to purchase or rent these tools in order to take on a project such as this by hiring a team of professionals. These concrete contractors will arrive to the job fully equipped and prepared to handle this type of project.


Taking on a project of this magnitude requires more than one person to produce the best results. Not to mention, everyone involved with this project is going to need to know exactly how this process works and their role in it. When you hire a team of knowledgeable contractors, you take this factor out of the equation. In doing so, you’re ensuring that you receive the highest-quality results for your project.


When choosing to install a stampable concrete overlay, you have access to a wide variety of patterns and colors to make your space your own. These concrete coatings have a plethora of uses for both interior and exterior applications including family rooms, kitchens, patios, and driveways. The installation can cost anywhere from $8 to $20 per square foot depending on the size of the project and the colors and patterns used. The install process should take roughly three to four days to complete including applying a sealer. The adaptability, affordability, and longevity of this material make it ideal for practically any concrete surfacing project.

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